On Your Entrepreneur Journey

At many points in your entrepreneurial journey you will come up against roadblocks, this could be making a tough decision, taking a risk or doing anything outside of our comfort zone. As you come against these roadblocks it is very important to be aware of what you believe about yourself and how that impacts your decision. Limiting beliefs are the doubts about your ability.
These limiting beliefs are something that anyone can encounter when trying to move forward, simply put we want to take action and yet still feel something is holding us back.

The fear of looking foolish

For many of my clients who are learning confident speaker techniques one of their greatest fears is the fear of looking foolish in front of their audience. This can be related to past experiences and sometimes it is related to a level of shame and embarrassment of making mistakes. Many unconsciously hear childhood voices in their heads, voices that were first heard in our  youn and impressionable years.

Starting your own business is a huge step toward knowing what you want from life and
knowing what you want to do in your life. More importantly, being uniquely you and expressing your own creativity in your business is essential to moving forward on the journey of self love and clarity about your needs and your ability to meet your own needs.

Creating a New Inner Voice

When you become an entrepreneur you are essentially saying to the world, “hello this is what I have to offer!” and this message comes from a place of confidence and self-awareness that we are enough to bring this offer to the table. No matter who we are along this journey we can expect to experience recurring doubts. It can be especially true for women entrepreneurs, regardless of how accomplished and talented that we may be, we continually come up with questions about our capabilities and worth.
This is why mindset is an essential part of the Entrepreneur journey. We must continually ask ourselves what is blocking us and continually be open to the answers that come from within. This process begins to break through those beliefs that hinder you so that you can reach our ultimate goal.

The entrepreneur’s goal is to provide that service or product to people in need. In order to do this, you must overcome any perceived limitations and literally have to take a step out of our own way and believe that you CAN uniquely provide that service or product in ways that no one else could. One of the key stages in my program is building an awareness of any beliefs that may be hindering you from being heard or speaking up and building the courage to ask for help to move forward instead of staying where you are.

The choice is yours if you so desire to unhinge yourself and design a path to a more successful and fulfilled life.