

Are you a entrepreneur struggling to get more visibility? Confidence is EVERYTHING when selling your service or product. Find out how confident you are on the virtual stage with this easy five-minute quiz.

How confident do you feel when you’re in front of a camera?

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When I’m explaining something to someone, they usually:

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How comfortable are you with selling your product and/or talking about pricing?

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When you go to a party, which of these describes you best?

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My first instinct when asked to present in front of a large audience is to:

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This best describes MY experience leading live events:

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I am at my best when:

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When it comes to getting public speaking coaching, I would prefer to:

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My business is currently…

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When my event has a poor turnout, I usually:

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 Where would you say you’re at when it comes to speaking fluidly and naturally in your conversations or speeches?

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When speaking to your audience, how worried are you about what they might think if you make a mistake?

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When it comes to my language and grammar skills, I doubt myself so much that I:

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I really believe that I can make a bigger impact and my business can do much better if only I could:

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When I join a new online program or course to help improve my business skills, I sometimes:

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