Interview with Lucie Malette

In this episode, we will uncover 3 keys:

  • Transforming Money Mindset
  • Inner Barriers and Transformation
  • The Four Pillars of Prosperity


Financial well-being


A Podcast Transcription


Episode 14: ‘Lucie the Light’ Behavioral Pattern Transformational Coach



Odiva Vasell: (00:30)
I am very excited for you today because I have with me Lucy the Light, all the way from Quebec, and she’s going to be joining me today, and we’re going to talk about her business and her tips for transformation. Welcome. Welcome, Lucy.

Lucie Malette: (00:54)
Thank you, Odiva. I’m honored to be here with you. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. Thank you.

Odiva Vasell: (01:03)
And I always like to know, for those that are especially just getting started in their business, how did you start? What was it that moved you to create a business?


Transforming Money Mindset

Transformational coaching


Lucie Malette: (01:20)
Absolutely. I have this story about how I got to learn about my true purpose, and well, it started a really long time ago because we’re all on this journey on our lives, journey to achieve our life’s purpose, if we’re willing and open to receiving. And I felt really, I would say, four or five years ago in my corporate job as a financial planner and in this industry for more than 30 years, I started to feel very unfulfilled unhappy. I knew that there was something way bigger than my own mind that was trying to pull me, and I started to be curious and in wonder. And one day, I was listening to an interview with Dr. Deepak Chopra and Claire Zamet, and when she said transformational coaching, I just put my arms in the air and I said, eureka. It resonated so deeply. I just knew at that point in time that this was exactly who and what I was meant to be and to do. And slowly but surely, step by step, I am here right now in front of you telling you that I am finally living this purpose that I’m supposed to be. And I’m so blessed and happy. I left my corporate job. I became sober. So many beautiful transformations happened in my life. And that’s why I’m here, because I know that we all can do these transformations. We just need to know what to do and connect with those deep inner barriers that are stopping us and sabotaging our success. So here I am, Lucy the Light.

Odiva Vasell: (03:42)
Oh, phenomenal. And this is beautiful because you recognize your light and you’re owning it. And that is something that tends to be difficult for many of us women. And I always go back to childhood when children are running and playing and not caring about what anybody thinks about them and then somehow…

Lucie Malette: (04:08)

Odiva Vasell: (04:09)
Carefree. And somehow along our journey, we kind of get closed and more restricted, and we’re afraid to show that light because it might make other people feel uncomfortable.

Lucie Malette: (04:26)
Absolutely. And yes, that will happen. Some people will be very – how do we say – they just run away from us because we bring them to the point where they need to look inside, and they are not ready. So it’s not given to everybody to really connect with your own light. But I was so drawn. I was so drawn. And when we’re a child, we have this natural light. And when we are in our adult life, we can still be childlike, not childish, childlike. And this is one of my teachers in my life. How do we say, that my objectives. I want to have fun. I still want this childlike energy in my life. And I don’t care if people feel that it’s ridiculous or silly. I’m being who I am meant to be. Lucy the Light.

Odiva Vasell: (05:44)
And that’s beautiful. And we had a brief conversation before we started, and I understood how you were talking about everything is coming into place in your life, and you’re feeling that gratitude. And that is so important, especially as entrepreneurs. We get guilty as charged. We get on the go-go on the journey, and we’re headed towards that goal and we’re not there yet. And it seems sometimes like the goalpost moves farther and farther away. Which is good because it’s always a journey, and you always have to push forward. But be thankful for the milestones that we achieve and the things that we have that allow us to take this journey that other people might not even have. How do we cultivate that kind of…

Lucie Malette: (06:45)
There’s one thing I’ve just noticed in my life is to be still and distill. Yes, we often run around, something out there, and keep busy with doing because we’re in our minds, and we need to drop down into our bodies and slow down and just be curious and wonder, and things will start to manifest. The universe is co-creating with us; it’s organizing around our success, and this is so important to connect with because it’s a relational field we are part of. And when we open up to this relational field, we get answers to our questions rather than being in our minds and trying to fix everything. We can just slow down and be and connect to this wonderful, positive life universe and believe that we are supported, that we are divine source, and what is needed will come. We might not receive exactly what it is we think we need, but if we let go, surrender, the universe will send us exactly what we are meant to receive.

Odiva Vasell: (08:39)
I love this word “surrender.”

Lucie Malette: (08:42)
Surrender and I let go.

Odiva Vasell: (08:46)
Let go. Yes, let go and release. And then allow exactly what needs to come and what needs to go.

Lucie Malette: (09:01)
Yes. And creating space. If you give away or you clean up space, physical space, you are making space for things to come in, and beautiful things come in. For example, when I decided I wanted to leave my corporate job, well, we had to sell the cottage so we could be financially independent, no more debts. And when I let that go, my purpose came in, like, bam. Because I was ready. I put things aside that I didn’t need anymore for new things to come in. And that’s why my puzzle pieces are all getting together because I’m open, receptive, and I created space.

Odiva Vasell: (10:05)
Putting things aside that you no longer needed. And I hope that’s resonating with some of you out there that are listening because we do tend to hold on to things for security. Like, that’s a bold move, selling a cottage. It’s like, hey, you already have something, giving up a job that you have success in.

Lucie Malette: (10:33)
Giving up a six-figure job. The story behind this is that my manager said, “Well, if you leave now, you’re losing your pension, your retirement pension. You need to have someone come in to replace you.” And I said to my husband, I said, “This is really scary, but I had to learn what it was to stop grasping at money. I had this ultimate test given to me so I could learn because I’m teaching this.” And I said to my husband, I said, “This is not worth my health. I had a lump in my throat. I said, I don’t mind if I don’t get replaced. I need to leave this job and do something else because I’m going to be unhealthy, I’m going to get sick.” And as soon as I ungrasped on this pension retirement plan, everything fell into place. I didn’t lose my money. I didn’t lose close to half a million dollars. I didn’t lose anything. Actually, I gained everything. I gained freedom from this job. I gained freedom from this new business that I’m creating. And I just feel so blessed and in the right place. So, yeah, we need to let go of things and believe that the Divine will always serve and provide for us. We are divine abundance. We were born from abundance, and it’s our birthright. It is our birthright.

Odiva Vasell: (12:24)
Our birthright. That’s beautiful. So you take women on this journey, and I specifically speak to women who need visibility in their business. And many of them, many of my community, are just starting out in their business, and that’s the thing that they struggle with most, is belief in themselves.

Lucie Malette: (12:53)

Odiva Vasell: (12:54)
Because you have so many inputs that say stick to the secure, stick to the known. And then you have this vision for this business, and you start out and there’s obstacles and maybe a little bit of tech issues that never stop, financial issues. How would you advise some of our listeners to get started on this journey of release and claiming their birthright?


Inner Barriers and Transformation

inner self resourceful self


Lucie Malette: (13:27)
They need to start really connecting deeply with their inner self, their resourceful self, to believe in their worthiness. This is exactly what I do, step by step in my process, working with groups. I have this Divine Abundance ten-week group coaching program which is starting on September 13. And what we do is I guide women to receive and believe in their worthiness and be able to receive because let’s say the real thing here. We’re caregivers, we give. We’re not receivers, right? And it’s something we need to unlearn and relearn. Yes, we need to unlearn because we think if we give, more people will give back. I’m sorry, that’s not happening. If we think we need to give, give to receive, we’re on the wrong path. So we need to really first connect with our worth and believe in our valuable contribution. We all have this purpose inside of us in our DNA, we have a code in our DNA. We need to believe that what we have to offer is valuable and not feel as if those old stories that we are repeating, those patterns of not good enough, not worthy, those are inner barriers. And as a transformational coach, the difference in what usually coaches do is that they will tell you, “I invite you to change your behavior, gain some skills, and let’s create a plan to reach your goals.” A transformational coach will go into your inner barriers. I bring the invisible. Visible. So you know what is sabotaging your success? Because it’s a loop. You’re always repeating those old stories, those patterns, but it’s unconscious. We bring these stories from our childhood when we had to survive, and we bring that in our adult life which don’t serve us anymore. And yeah, we need to unfold these stories, get to the bottom of what’s going on, what’s happening, what’s sabotaging your success? Why aren’t you getting traction in your business? Why aren’t you able to have a sustainable income? So we go through these ten weeks in the Divine Abundance Group coaching program with eight amazing women because I do interviews, so the people that are in the group, the women are all on the same page.

Odiva Vasell: (16:51)

Lucie Malette: (16:52)
Because I work with spiritually evolving fempreneurs, just like you. And they need to have this commitment of wanting to reinvent themselves and wanting to find their purpose in life, to make the world a better place.

Odiva Vasell: (17:11)
They’re committed to the change. They’re committed to the transformation. I like that. And that’s good news for a lot of transformational coaches and a lot of entrepreneurs. Sometimes we open our business, and we’re like, we just want to get clients, anything, anyone, and everybody, just bring them in and then find that things can be off balance rather than it’s like quality over quantity, that’s step. And you have to have belief that it will work out.

Lucie Malette: (17:44)
Absolutely. You’ve got it.

Odiva Vasell: (17:48)
And I want to go back to another thing that you said after we talked about unlearn and relearn. Then you said, some people think if you give, give, then you’re to receive. And that’s the model that I’ve always watched in my family, the women in my family, just giving to bend over backward, and I noticed there was no receiving. Very little receiving. And coming back and we start this in our business and it becomes kind of, I would say a money block.

Lucie Malette: (18:30)
Yes, it is.

Odiva Vasell: (18:34)
I’ve talked to so many women entrepreneurs, and when I bring the conversation around to money and receiving money and receiving wealth, they’re like, “No, I’m doing this business, money doesn’t motivate me.”


The Four Pillars of Prosperity

Financial transformation


Lucie Malette: (18:54)
Oh my God. Okay. So money is energy to flow in and out. And what I do also is in my program is we work with the four pillars of prosperity: earning, spending, investing, and saving and giving. So if money gets stagnant, it just doesn’t help us. We really need to have flow in the four pillars. But to come back to your question about why is it that we give and we don’t receive? Well, the thing is that there was something that happened probably in your childhood and you felt like you didn’t deserve because we told you, “Oh, this costs too much money, it’s too expensive.” Or “Money is the root of all problem, is the evil root of all problems.” Or “money doesn’t grow on trees.” And I’ve got a story about that also. I wanted to go to university. I was 16 years old, all my friends were going to the university. My father said, “Oh, are you crazy? This is too expensive right there.” I felt like, okay, I’m not worthy. I’m not worthy of growing my intelligence. And I just kept growing as an adult with this. So the pattern would be is, “Well, you’re not worthy,” or “I’m not good enough.” And then we start giving things to people to receive love, to receive back support. But we’re just in this old story, that inner barrier, and we’re repeating it and we create evidence for it that we think it’s true. Because see, everything I try, I can’t succeed, I’m just not good enough. I’m not good with money. So it’s to realize that we are creating this part of it. Yeah, there are external consequences or situations like the economy that can really stop our success, but we are also co-creating. We are contributing to this situation. And if we don’t know what we’re doing, well, we can’t change it. We cannot transform it. And I insist on transformation because all transformation are change, but not all changes are transformation. So it’s important if you go to a coach and they say, “change your behavior,” that’s not enough. You need to go in your inner barriers, transform your behavior, not only change it. And that’s what I do. I do transformational coaching. So, yeah, we need to address those patterns. There are 21 different patterns that Claire Zamit, my coach, worked on for more than 20 years, and I could see myself in each one of them, but there are main ones. And when you find your pattern, you see yourself doing it and you say, “This is what I’m doing. I’m sabotaging my success.” And then you can change your behavior. Okay. Absolutely.

Odiva Vasell: (22:49)
What I hear you saying is that starting the process or the first step to transformation is the awareness.

Lucie Malette: (22:57)
Absolutely. You need to bring it to awareness. Everything is invisible, and you bring it to visibility.

Odiva Vasell: (23:04)
I did a master class on money blocks a few months back, and a lot of people, the first thing they said is, “No, I’m ready to receive money. I want to be successful in my business.” And one of the things I did, it was a little tricky. I did a little quiz and I asked them different cliches that they had in their life and how many of the cliches that they heard growing up, or people have said to them how strongly they believe these cliches, “money doesn’t grow on trees” was a popular one, or “I can’t afford it” was another one. And it turned out a lot of those things were programmed in us unknowingly.

Lucie Malette: (23:52)
Yes, absolutely. And there’s one thing, a big mistake this is so important, a big mistake that women do is they are so desperate to get rich. They are so desperate, they are grasping at money as if it’s the only thing that will solve their problem. They are so disconnected to their resourceful self. They think that if I’ve got a lot of money, I’m going to be happy and everything is going to be fine. But it’s so further from the truth. I had everything. I had a six-figure income, I was healthy, I still have my husband, thank God, I had everything. A beautiful home cottage. But I was unhappy because there was something inside me that was trying to create. I needed to create something. I needed to be who I was meant to be, do what I was meant to do and serve and serve who I was meant to serve. I was drawn to find my purpose. And money was not the issue. Because vast wealth will not make you feel more abundant, it’s how you feel about yourself. And if you are aligned with your values and then you experience your purpose, then money will flow. Because if you’re grasping, allow and let go, and money will flow. Allow and let go, and money will flow. In the four Pillars of Prosperity. It all comes together. Believing in your worth, so you stop struggling and sabotaging your business and then finding your true purpose, tweaking what you’re doing in your business and finding your exact audience. And finally, what I offer is manage your money and not be managed by your money. Because the money is going to start to come and flow in and you might go crazy. Happy money. Happy money. This is what I call happy money. Because now you’re aligned with your purpose and money is coming in. We call it happy money. You need to manage it.

Odiva Vasell: (26:30)
And let it go out as well.

Lucie Malette: (26:33)
Absolutely. That’s why the four Pillars of Prosperity. The thing is, we tend to accumulate, that’s grasping. Again, it’s lack. We need to allocate, not accumulate. We don’t need that. Because abundance, we are divine abundance. And it’s all about letting it flow.

Odiva Vasell: (27:01)

Lucie Malette: (27:02)
Money is energy.

Odiva Vasell: (27:03)
My favorite word. Now…

Lucie Malette: (27:04)
No more grasping.

Odiva Vasell: (27:07)
Yes. Let things flow in and out of your life, being the light that shines, and the darkness will be repelled. That’s okay. You make more light. And whether it’s getting visible or getting your business started and having more abundance, whether it be financial in other areas of life. Yes. Let it flow.

Lucie Malette: (27:34)
Abundance in all forms.

Odiva Vasell: (27:37)

Lucie Malette: (27:38)
Creativity, transformation, power partners, sponsors, every kind of abundance. Not only money’s abundance, but we tend to depend on money to solve all of our problems. We have everything inside here to solve our problems. If we just connect with our divine source and believe that we are supported by this life positive universe, everything falls into place.

Odiva Vasell: (28:17)
Lucie, let us listeners just take a deep breath into that. That was the light. That was the light that many of us, including myself, needed to hear and reaffirm in ourselves. We have everything we need in ourselves. It’s already right here. Love. I want to thank you for joining me today.

Lucie Malette: (28:53)
Thank you so much. Thank you, Odiva. I appreciate thank you for this opportunity.




In summary, our discussion with the transformational coach has highlighted the significant impact of our money mindset and the power of shifting toward an abundance mindset. We’ve discovered that financial well-being is about more than just making money; it also involves how we spend, invest, save, and give. The conversation revealed how our inner barriers can hold us back and provided strategies for transformation, enabling us to overcome self-sabotage and pursue financial success and abundance. Recognizing that money is a form of energy that impacts all aspects of our lives, we’re now motivated to take steps towards financial empowerment, purpose, and fulfillment.