Even if you can speak English perfectly, most of what people hear will be determined by your body language, tone of voice and expression.

Meaningful Body Language

Studies have shown that so much meaning is conveyed by body language that entire industries, for example such as fashion and food, are designed to sell products based on the visuals and the expression of the person in the commercial. It is these subtleties that create the complex style of communication. Moreover, this is where one can completely change their style of communication depending on who they are conversing with. Conversations with friends have a totally different tone when compared to discussions with business partners and for this reason, it is essential to master communication for business purposes so that we are always sending the right message.

A Friendly Ear

Especially in friendly conversations, so much of what we “hear” is determined by body language, that most people don’t have to listen carefully or understand every word in order to know what is being said. This can create some frustration for language learners when their friends don’t correct their English language mistakes. However it’s not the fault of the friend who has become so used to this way of communicating that they don’t even hear mistakes. Besides, who wants to be constantly interrupted and corrected by a  friend?

There are many things that can be communicated face to face more easily through tone, expression and body language that might get misunderstood in a text message if interpreted negatively. In addition, when first learning a language, even a simple request on the telephone can become a complex and frustrating task, as I experienced in Japan every time I try to order a pizza delivery by phone.

Purpose not Perfection

When building a business and talking to potential customers, it is important not to stress out about speaking perfectly, but instead stay focused on the message and more importantly the meaning behind the message, making sure to convey with the right tone, body language and expression exactly how amazing your offer is.