What is Confidence?
- Confidence is doing the Sunday crossword in pen.
- Confidence is the Chess Master closing in to checkmate her opponent.
- Confidence is you in the zone, when you’re doing that part of your business that you do best.
- Confidence is in knowing… you know your s***.
Building Core Confidence
What if I asked you to write down what it is you do or teach in your business? I mean specifically, all the things you do best and the results you’ve had with previous clients, accomplishments, awards, praise, or the thing those clients can testify that you do so well. Now tell me, would the details fill out a page or two or three? Be honest. You enjoy what you do, and you’re damn good at it too. That’s the first step in building core confidence. It start doing what you’re passionate about and it could be anything from physical activity to cooking a favorite dish. No one would dare tell a gold medalist she did poorly. You are the winner in your area of expertise.
Nothing Good Comes Easy
If you believe that you can sit around and wait for life to get better… then you’d better be prepared for when life turns around and whoops your @zz. Anything you are going to achieve that is moving you toward greatness is not going to come that easy.
The Builders Mindset
Prepare yourself to have a builder’s mindset. Take the stones that are thrown at you and put them one on top of another. The average person is sitting in the pile of stones, waiting in hopes for a loaf of bread or bread crumbs to get tossed their way, and if they are lucky, they will get enough bread to get by.
The person with the builder’s mindset looks at the stone as an opportunity to create something big. The Builder can take from the ruins and create something wonderful, something that no one else imagined or expected when they threw that stone or when they knocked down your walls….because they saw something useless.
But that’s only because they didn’t know who this was… this was a builder, a builder who wasn’t waiting for a handout or an external solution to come from someone else. Instead, The Builder was fully aware of what life is about and how to take from whatever life gives ~~~ and create.
There will always be stone throwers and there will always be builders, what happens next is up to you.
Tell Them the Truth!
When you become an entrepreneur, you decide to share the gifts that you learned from the school of hard knocks. So why is it that so many struggle to tell those that need them exactly what it is they can do? It’s not bragging, it’s a fact and they need to know!
How I help you with Entrepreneurial confidence
I teach, no, I mentor entrepreneurs in getting visible with confident public speaking skills because I’ve been in their shoes and I know what it takes to be on stage or be the center of attention, when it doesn’t come naturally.
I’ll never tell you to rely on “fake it till you make it ” principles or simply talk to yourself in mirror. The kind of stuff that has never worked for me. What entrepreneur has the time to stand in a mirror? If I do that, the next thing I do is start thinking about chores and in a few minutes, I’m cleaning the mirror. Sorry mirror, I don’t have time to tell you I love you now or write affirmations I don’t believe.
Writing is good, though… we could write a list of the doubts or self-talk that comes up every time we have to make a video or do a presentation. However, if you’re like most people, you are ….we are good at suppressing that negative self-talk to the point that we can’t address it.
That’s where I come in; I work on getting to know who YOU are so that I can learn what holds you back, how we can address it and where to go next, so that we can build your core confidence in the things you do well.
That’s how I build great public speakers, and I’m damn good at it.