Why Mindset Matters Most

Why Mindset Matters Most

On Your Entrepreneur Journey At many points in your entrepreneurial journey you will come up against roadblocks, this could be making a tough decision, taking a risk or doing anything outside of our comfort zone. As you come against these roadblocks it is very...
Communication is the key to success

Communication is the key to success

Communication is the key to success. How can successful people become successful, if they don’t share their talents and abilities with others? Nonetheless, for many years successful female professionals and entrepreneurs have been content to sit in the background and...
Fempreneur Spotlight: Deepica Mutyala

Fempreneur Spotlight: Deepica Mutyala

Live Tinted’s Founder & CEO, Deepica MutyalaIn 2015, Live Tinted’s creator, Deepica Mutyala, posted a video to her YouTube channel. She explained her method for minimizing the appearance of dark circles under the eyes and other forms of...