Interview with Lumynn Marie


In this episode, we will uncover 3 keys:

  • Understanding your thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs is essential for making informed choices and fostering personal growth.
  • Mindfulness and present-moment awareness reveal hidden aspects of yourself.
  • Exploring, learning, and drawing wisdom from experiences uncover new aspects of your potential.




Podcast Transcription


Episode 13: Lumynn Marie, creative director and founder of “ Ascension Space”




Odiva Vasell: (00:00)
Are you ready to unleash your unlimited potential? Well, get ready to illuminate yourself—mind, spirit, and body—with my next guest, Lumynn Marie. Welcome, Lumynn.

Lumynn Marie: (00:25)
Thank you.

Odiva Vasell: (00:26)
How should I say your name?

Lumynn Marie: (00:28)
Lumynn. I love it. It’s perfect.

Odiva Vasell: (00:30)
Okay, okay. I feel that illuminate.

Lumynn Marie: (00:36)
I heard that.

Odiva Vasell: (00:38)
Are you ready for a mind-body spirit upgrade?

Lumynn Marie: (00:42)
I am. Are you?

Odiva Vasell: (00:44)
Yeah. Do you want to live a more fulfilling and driven life? We are here with Lumynn Marie today, and we’ve got our body and our energy flowing, and we’re just bringing it all together. She is one who activates the soul with unconventional methods. She has a combination of Reiki and shamanism, everything spiritual and magic that she can dip into, and she’s here to teach you a little bit about really owning and loving yourself. So, welcome.

Lumynn Marie: (01:26)
They know me. I love that. That was like the perfect introduction. You get it.

Odiva Vasell: (01:32)
Welcome, welcome. Tell us a little bit about the power over your mind.


Understanding your thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs is essential for making informed choices and fostering personal growth.

Body-mind-spirit alignment


Lumynn Marie: (01:39)
Okay, so you know, this is for me, honestly, one of the last things. I’m starting to look at everything as a triad, so we have the body, mind, and the spirit. And I mean, I’m feeling like the mind is the last thing I’m mastering. So I’ll say that with all humility. If I’m talking about the mind, I’ve started to learn really recently, you know? And this is all the Law of Attraction stuff, and it’s all about the feelings in the body that we need to train our mind to feel good in our body. And if we haven’t had that experience of feeling good in our body, you kind of have to choose where to start. But you kind of work on them both simultaneously. And so that was the thing that I had forgotten a long time ago, that I let the I’m energetically sensitive person, I’m an empath, I’m intuitive, which I assume you might be too. A lot of people are that kind of end up in this fear, and we can tend to let our minds and our emotions take over a little bit, maybe a little bit more than they need to. And so what I’ve learned about the mind is I have to train it to catch myself. Like, “Oh, I don’t have… like, I can feel this emotion authentically for 10-20 seconds, like, be in my moment, be in my truth, and then I have to make the opportunity to create a new thought, to create a neural pathway within my body so that when my body triggers that sensation next time, it’s a positive thought. Because the difference between anxiety and excitement, the feeling in your body is the same sensation. It’s the story that we’ve created in our mind. So they work together. You have to be aware of the body, be willing to feel what the body’s feeling, and then have a thought. And if the thought aligns with something that you want to feel good, you know, then you keep it, and if it doesn’t, you acknowledge it, let it pass, and create a new thought.

Odiva Vasell: (03:35)

Lumynn Marie: (03:36)
And it takes training. It’s easier said than done. I’m not trying to be like, you know, it’s a challenge.

Odiva Vasell: (03:41)
Yes, but I love the idea of bringing the body as a tool to really connect with that feeling or that new story that we want to create for ourselves. Yes.

Lumynn Marie: (03:56)
Yeah, and that goes down to deep mindfulness wisdom. The Buddha got enlightened using the Vipassana technique, and it’s all about scanning the sensations of the body because what it suggests is every thought actually starts as a feeling in the body. A very, very subtle feeling of discomfort will come that most of us don’t even perceive because we’re only at the very surface levels. But somewhere deep inside, it’s a physical sensation that creates a thought. That’s kind of the Buddhist worldview and one that I’ve adopted because it makes sense. And as I’ve gotten more into my subtle body, I get that. Like, my body will tell me something’s coming way before I have the experience of, you know. Sometimes, just like a couple of hours, but I’ll wake up with a feeling like, “You know, something.” And then later in the day, something will happen. So, I can use that as an opportunity to prepare. Like, “Oh, okay. I’m gonna sit extra long today and center and get excited about this thing that’s coming.”


Odiva Vasell: (05:00)
Yeah, because I hear so much that animals know how to do that. They know something is up from, you know, hours ahead—earthquakes and things like that. They know it’s coming. This is interesting, to feel that or to understand that once we get in tune with our bodies, we can also anticipate something, and good things at that, yes.


Lumynn Marie: (05:25)
I mean, I’m just, just, yeah. I mean, we have that opportunity because the emotion arrives or the feeling of something in the future that isn’t created yet, because there’s, well, it has, but there’s an infinite timeline. So what if we chose the minute we had the feeling and we thought it was something to be afraid of or to be alert, like, because we’re moving from the animal instinct into the fifth-dimensional instinct, so we get to flip it a little bit, right? We still use that instinct, but it’s like, “Oh, wait, there’s a rush of energy that I’m aware of. I’m gonna create something amazing with it.”

Odiva Vasell: (06:04)
Yes, and I love that. It’s what I call my entrepreneurial fire. Like when I get really revved up and I get a great idea and just want to go with it, you know, moving into that energy, utilizing that energy because we all are energy. And I’ve seen something on your website. You said something about you want to feel like a sexy mother in your skin. YouTube would allow me to say that, but I want to say it. You want to feel like a sexy woman in your skin. Not for anyone else, but for you. Tell us more about that.


Mindfulness and present-moment awareness reveal hidden aspects of yourself.

Self-discovery journey


Lumynn Marie: (06:42)
Well, it’s like the human body, specifically the female human body, but obviously the male as well. It just has different conditioning when we are just playing our music, and it’s just alone, and we’re feeling good. We’re moving sensually, is the word that I like to call it. And what happened is over time, that movement by the masculine, so I’m not saying by men, it’s not about gendering, right? But this movement was called sexual. It became like this lustful, desirey thing, as opposed to something that we just owned and like everyone was celebrating it in respect, right? Like, “Oh yeah.” So for me, you know, I use that language to appeal to the masses. Like that’s not really the type of language I use in my everyday, but it’s true…

Odiva Vasell: (07:36)
Yeah, I get it, that’s…

Lumynn Marie: (07:38)
The feeling of it. Like when I say that, you know exactly, like it’s in your body, and you feel good, and it doesn’t matter if everyone’s watching or nobody’s watching. And the thing is, everybody gets that in different places. So some people are gonna feel that way most when there are a lot of people watching. Some people need to get that feeling first just alone in their bedroom, standing in front of their mirror, just like that’s where I started. I used to have huge body insecurities, so I started standing in front of the mirror naked and just kind of moving and just like realizing, like, “Hey, this is all right.” And I was doing other mindset work, you know? I was working multiple avenues—the mindset, the Reiki—and I just found myself loving my body more.


Odiva Vasell: (08:26)
You are taking me back to, I want to say teenage years, but it’s for my teenage years into my late 30s where I was just… I started to listen to music every day and dancing in my room and just loving it and the energy of it. And then, um, I also started dancing in front of people, and people would say, “Wow, that’s amazing,” and I did not create, you know, choreography, and I don’t get along, but just moving freely, and people loved it. And then I started to get self-conscious and started to overthink the dance, you know, and that took part of it away from me, and I stopped for a while. But what you’re saying is really reconnecting me to that idea of just, “Hey, nobody’s watching, and just move freely.”

Positive mindsetLumynn Marie: (09:22)
To your eye. And I mean, I know the feeling too because it really depends sometimes, you know. I was on So You Think You Can Dance, and I got on there because of my story, but because of this awakening where I was so embodied and I was like jamming. But when I was on that stage, I didn’t bring it. I danced like a 30-year-old that kind of used to dance like a 30, you know? I like I was respectable, but it wasn’t the embodiment that, you know, because it’s all quantum. Eyes watching do make a difference, and that’s absolutely fine. The feminine is so… she has to be in her nature so that those eyes don’t penetrate, and that just takes work. And sometimes, it depends on how strong the eyes are. You know, like different crowds are different. Some eyes are really supportive and like wanting that. So it’s just as we become more sensitive to energy, we just have to be more aware of who we share our energy with, really. Because some eyes are going to feel really good and draw you out, and then, yeah, others make you more self-conscious. And it’s just like we can, as women, we have a choice not to be around people that make us feel self-conscious. Like we know who we are, we know how we feel about ourselves. And so it’s time for us to stop thinking that we are the problem.

Odiva Vasell: (10:44)
Yes. Listen to that, ladies. Listen. We are who we are, and it’s beautiful.

Lumynn Marie: (10:52)
We are. We’re wild. We’re wild, and that’s the thing. We’re doing this together, and the more women embody ourselves with love and light and fun and joy, the more the masculine, not just men, but the masculine in other women as well, is going to feel safe coming along with us. Because we want the men freely moving in their bodies too. Like, everyone, in their leggings, everyone can wear unitards. We have to stop drawing these lines about which body type can move.

Odiva Vasell: (11:22)
Which body type can move… I was just looking at a video on Facebook about ballet dancing and women of different ages and different sizes taking up ballet dancing lessons for the first time, and I thought, “Wow, that’s brave,” because ballet dancing typically has been so criticized on body type. But I thought this is a wonderful new movement getting in touch with your body and dance any dance that you love.


Lumynn Marie: (11:57)
Ballet or belly?

Odiva Vasell: (12:00)

Lumynn Marie: (12:01)

Odiva Vasell: (12:02)
Yes, I’ve got to send you the video.

Lumynn Marie: (12:05)
You like classes?

Odiva Vasell: (12:05)

Lumynn Marie: (12:06)
Well, maybe that’s what my calling is. I need to start an in-person ballet class. So that’s where it all started for me. I started, you know, like at six, taking ballet class, and that was my training. And now I’m primarily freestyle dance and flow arts and fire spinning, but that muscle memory is there. And I guess that’s for anyone who used to be a movement person and athletic person, any of that, it’s in your body. That muscle memory is still there. That was the shocking thing because I took a seven-year break where I didn’t even go to the gym for seven years, better yet dance. And I was shocked to find out that once I got back into my body, everything that I learned in my teens, you know, growing up in my childhood, was still there. It was amazing, which makes it better, you know what I mean? It was like more relatable. It’s like inflatable.

Odiva Vasell: (13:05)
Removing the restrictions and the limitations so…

Lumynn Marie: (13:12)
Ballet is all about just creating nice lines, so it doesn’t matter if it’s here or here, as far as I’m concerned. It’s about the intention. If we’re talking about movement, and ballet always has kind of a performance, you know. I guess you can just take ballet for ballet, but I always think about a stage when I think of ballet. And I like this idea of making it more about lines and shapes.

Odiva Vasell: (13:26)
And speaking of lines, purpose aligned with spirit.

Lumynn Marie: (13:40)

Odiva Vasell: (13:41)
What does that mean?

Lumynn Marie: (13:42)
Purpose aligned with Spirit. Well, for me, it’s twofold. We get it through basically prayer and meditation, which there are many ways to pray and there are many ways to meditate. So that’s just a very general thing. But the idea is prayer is when you ask, meditation is where you receive. So it’s getting in contact with the magic. For me, the alignment in spirit is threefold. You mentioned the shamanistic work, so that’s about connecting to the northeast, southwest, air, fire, water, earth, animals, plants, minerals, humans, all the earthiness of spirituality. And then we have the higher realms, you know, God, Source, Universe. I’m definitely non-sectarian, and so whatever people want to call it. But this higher power that many of us have, that there’s something, the Creator is one, I use that a lot lately, the Creator. And so we’re in the middle. We’re the sky and the Earth, and through this is a line up our chakras, and that lights us up. So being aligned for me is being connected to Earth, connected to Spirit, and when that comes into the body, that’s called embodiment. And that’s when we’re all avatars, and we’re just doing what we’re doing with ease. I’m definitely not there all the time, but I feel like we do it together. As some of us start to do the work and become embodied, other people do, and then when other people are doing, it’s easier for us to do more. So we’re all, like, doing it together. We are all one avatar, right? We’re all this energy field, we’re all connected, so we can only really rise together. Like one person can only do so much just on their own, if that makes sense.

Odiva Vasell: (15:39)
And you had a workshop recently, and is it mostly women that you work with?

Lumynn Marie: (15:46)
It’s mostly but not exclusively, by any means. It’s just that in the current evolution, women have more, well, no, that’s not the right way to put it.

Odiva Vasell: (16:00)
They’re waking up.

Lumynn Marie: (16:03)
We are waking up. We have more invested in change. The masculine has more fear of loss of power, that’s what’s happening, right? There’s a power dynamic between the masculine and feminine. So as the feminine gains power, the masculine is afraid they’re losing power. That’s not really how it goes. It’s just about coming to balance. But we’re saving our power, and we know we’re here to do it. So I do work with more women, but I do like my groups to be co-ed because I want men, too, men that are ready. But I still use the language “divine feminine” even with men, because I want them to know that that’s what we are doing. We’re awakening the feminine within us to align.

Odiva Vasell: (16:49)
And the workshop, if we, I want to invite the ladies listening to your workshops, and what can we learn or experience?


Exploring, learning, and drawing wisdom from experiences uncover new aspects of your potential.

Unlocking potential


Lumynn Marie: (16:57)
Well, my last one was my first three days, like you said, and it was super exciting. I’d never done a three-day, and this is actually a whole new workshop, where one day was mindfulness, one day was movement, and one day was magic. So we went through different techniques of centering the mind, why that’s important. The second day was a dance party, always getting that movement in. And then the third day, we talked about the shamanism, the belief, the faith, and then the idea of energy healing. For me, the energy healing is like that next dimension. Like we’ve done the shamanism, we circle over to this more religious-type vibe of the Creator, and now we’re circling to get the fifth-dimensional and make this vortex of amazingness. And if anyone wants to watch it, it’s in my Facebook group. That’s probably the best place to catch it. And then I’m trying to do a monthly workshop. I probably won’t do another three-day for another quarter, you know? I wanted to do that, that was a line for the solstice and the equinox, and that’s why I did that one three-day. But I wanted to make the same one. It’s called “Total Transformation” with mindfulness, movement, and magic, and it’ll be monthly. It’ll probably be like an hour and a half, and it’ll be a little bit of each just to try new ideas and then to get the body moving and be opening to magic.


Odiva Vasell: (18:31)
I love that idea of the Body, Mind, and Spirit, just the awakening of it, and it’s as you, as what we’ve been discussing, it’s not set, it’s not fixed, it’s gonna react or interact differently with each person, how they receive it and how they process this new awakening of their own mental.

Lumynn Marie: (18:57)
It’s so true because every body is different. It’s like we’re all living the same story through a different projector, and that’s kind of part of my teachings, is the idea of the chakra system, and this is our energy system, and then it projects out into the world to create our outer experience. And so as we work with this energy system, it changes the way the projection looks, but the mind still has to attach the story to the image. So this is this body-mind kind of creation story of how the energy kind of creates our life.

Odiva Vasell: (19:36)
And I just want to welcome the listeners to feel the energy that Lumynn and I are creating now. And yeah, and I think we’re gonna close out with a little bit of dancing. Excuse us if we have some technical difficulties. We’re gonna try and put some music on and do some movement. Yeah, let’s try that. Let’s try that. If, yeah, I don’t have the words because right now, my body just wants to move. But the fact of the matter is we’re talking about Body, Mind, Spirit, using all of them, which makes it so much more powerful than just sitting down and talking to someone in therapy about the mind and things of your mind. You’re actually creating that energy with your body. You’re actually creating that energy with the spiritual beliefs. And this is it. Lumynn brings it all together. So let’s dance.

Lumynn Marie: (20:46)
Should we try dancing? I know this might be a little out there, but we could try dancing without music and make our voices, like, that’s like next level.

Odiva Vasell: (20:53)
Doesn’t want to cooperate. Let’s do that.

Lumynn Marie: (21:00)
What should I be saying, Odiva?

Odiva Vasell: (21:04)
Oh, no, we’re just singing. The singing is not something I can [Music]



Odiva Vasell: (21:50)
Add your music here.

Lumynn Marie: (21:52)
I think that’s perfect. Someone could just be listening to their own music.

Odiva Vasell: (21:55)




Odiva Vasell: (23:08)
Thank you. Thank you. This was wonderful.

Lumynn Marie: (23:14)
Well, thank you for inviting me to play. That’s what I’m trying to bring more of into my life and ultimately everyone’s because I think we’ve all been working too hard, and we are trying to remember that we’re here to embody joy, and that it is done. Period.

Odiva Vasell: (23:31)
It is done. We are the creation. It’s done. Yay.

Lumynn Marie: (23:36)




In summary, our exploration of body, mind, and spirit alignment, as discussed by Lumynn Marie, has unveiled a powerful journey of self-discovery. The keys of self-awareness, mindfulness, and continuous learning guide us towards a life that is not only aligned with our true purpose but also abundant, fulfilling, and joyous. Lumynn’s wisdom encourages us to embrace our unique potential, dispel self-doubt, and embark on a transformative path of personal growth, reminding us that the power of self-discovery lies within our reach, waiting to be unlocked.