
Earlier today, I was having a conversation with a friend about why we do the work that we do. She revealed to me that as a little girl, she dreamt of becoming the president of the United States. This was a very real goal for her until one day; someone told her that she could not become the president because she was born in the Philippines.

I can’t imagine how she felt that day.  Yet, I do know that I felt crushed under the weight of that dream killer. This is why I believe called to do what I do because what I know is that inside the heart of that little girl lies the President of the United States. You just have to believe in yourself.

When we believe others.

You see, when the dream killer told her what they believed was in the realm of possibility, they suddenly snatched the dream of a child away. We spend so much of our lives telling ourselves what is in the realm of possibility based on what others have told us.

Success lies in believing in yourself.

What if someone told Katherine Johnson, the woman who calculated the trajectory and launch windows of several rocket launches, that women of color cannot be good at math? And what if she believed that?

Let’s suppose Hedy Lamarr was told that a very attractive Hollywood actress could know nothing about radio frequencies and communication systems? What if she believed this and did not create the patent our current Wi-Fi and Bluetooth systems are based on?

What if, my hero Harriet Tubman did not believe that a black woman who suffered from a severe physical ailment could have the intelligence to personally take hundreds of slaves to freedom and create an intelligence spy network that would be instrumental in winning the Civil War. What if she believed that she would have to live and die as a slave?

Society limits our beliefs.

What if you have been told your whole life what is in the realm of possibility and what you cannot do? I’m guessing you have been told or at most had influences in your life. All such influences structure your belief in your limitations.

Sadly many of us spend years figuring out who we really are. What we are actually capable of under the weight of so many self-imposed limitations. This is why I am motivated to do what I do.

The power to believe in yourself

I know without a shadow of a doubt that there is a president of the United States within each and every one of you. Just bursting to come forth is the gem or precious jewel of your own unique passion, that once liberated and then pursued vehemently will bring about a change!

The US military denied Hedy Lamarr’s patent. The contributions of Johnson & Tubman have only come to light in recent decades. But this does not change the impact they have had on so many lives. Your voice has the power of impact. If you choose to use it can cause a ripple effect today, tomorrow, and decades from now.

I see the gem in you and the president that you have the power to “become”. Leave the limitations and the interpretation of the value you perceive to lack behind. It is up to you to see everything you are capable of and more. Your voice is the voice of change. It is time to be heard. What I do is “believe”.

I Believe In You

I love to find that hidden gem that lies inside of each and every woman and gives it a voice. I know what it is to struggle. I know that within the struggle, there is a story that gives a perspective on the human condition. A rough diamond that is of infinite worth!

It lies inside of you and me.  However, we may seek to gain the things of this world, which lead to greater comfort for ourselves and our families. Let’s not forget every decision we make impacts the lives of so many others. So in this, We are one.

This is more than a motivator. This is your passion. As passion is the fuel that will keep you on the path when all else seems lost and then things get hard.

Yes, I understand what it is to struggle. I know that when we are going through a struggle, we feel undervalued. Moreover, there is a strong temptation to keep what is most valuable to us to ourselves instead of letting our light shine. This is what you bring to the table—the gift of moving from struggle to triumph. So when things get hard, it means this is the time to get going. This is a change movement, and it all begins with you.